August 2020 Impact Report


Download the August 2020 Impact Report here:


The Conduit Connect August 2020 Impact Report

Almost two years since the company was founded, the Conduit Connect has published its first impact report.

The Conduit Connect believes that the Conduit community has the impetus and the power to support and scale solutions that can have transformative impact on pressing social and environmental issues. We help impact-driven founders to access the knowledge, networks and capital needed to scale their solutions.

Since launch, the Conduit Connect has reviewed 486 businesses and through its unique impact screening and diligence process, 61 have been selected to benefit from the resources available in the community and surrounding networks.

This report, and the achievements described, are aligned with the Conduit Connect’s core values and our mission to support the delivery of the UN Sustainable Development Goals.

We are impact-obsessed. In this report, we are publishing for the first time the impact framework that we designed in collaboration with Deloitte LLP. The Conduit Connect selects businesses that have positive impact embedded as a core part of their organisation. We are committed to integrity and accountability. We hold ourselves and our community of entrepreneurs to a high standard by applying a rigorous impact scoring framework and ongoing reporting. We embrace diversity and inclusivity. We believe talent is evenly distributed, but opportunity is not. Our role is to ensure that talented entrepreneurs have the same access to opportunity regardless of their circumstances. Read our report to learn more about the portfolio and how the Conduit Connect companies have been weathering the storm of Covid-19.

For more information on the Conduit Connect, please email