Our 2024 Impact Report
It is our pleasure to share with you the Conduit EIS Impact Fund's 2024 Impact Report. Our impact report is our annual opportunity to show the world what we, our community and our portfolio achieved in the last 12 months, where we have room for improvement and what we want to achieve next year. In it, you will find a comprehensive overview of the progress of our investment activities along with the impact metrics across the fund's portfolio companies.
The Fund exists to democratise access to impact investing for LPs and invest in diverse founders building scalable, innovative technologies. We are delivering on this mission: 42% of the fund's portfolio have at least one female founder, 21% of the companies we have backed have at least one founder from an ethnic minority background, 33% of our LPs are women. These are benchmark-busting numbers. We have invested in 24 companies across target sectors and themes.
Portfolio Highlights in the last 12 months:
Avoided or removed over 32,000 tonnes of CO2 emissions
Diverted over 10,000 tonnes of waste
Saved the education system £8.5m
Enabled £42m wages
Our 2023 Impact Report
We couldn’t be prouder to share our 2023 Impact Report. This is our fourth consecutive report and we are delighted to present the data and stories from our companies, that you will find within its pages. The Conduit Connect typically spends the month of August gathering data and collating this document because we firmly believe that what you don’t measure, you can’t manage. Thank you to our partners and guest writers for their contributions and to the 126 companies we’ve backed for supporting this worthwhile endeavour.
Portfolio Highlights:
Our companies employ over 2,600 people
343,000 tonnes of carbon or carbon equivalent removed or avoided
251,000 tonnes of waste saved or diverted
79% of the teams we’ve backed over the last year have at least 1 female founder
Previous reports
The Conduit Connect 2022 Impact Report
We are delighted to share our 2022 Impact Report, which showcases the impact of our portfolio companies, our milestones as a company and our hopes and ambitions for the years to come. As is the case every year, the process of creating this report has given us an opportunity to step back and appreciate the incredible work done by companies in our portfolio. The passion and resilience of each and every one of the impact driven founders is inspiring and humbling and we are privileged to play a part in helping them achieve impact and success at scale.
Portfolio Highlights:
322,000 tonnes of carbon or carbon equivalent removed or avoided
25,000 tonnes of waste saved or diverted
22 million lives positively impacted
All 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals in the portfolio
The Conduit Connect August 2021 Impact Report
The purpose of this report is to provide our investors, mentors, and entrepreneurs with an update on the Conduit Connect and on the impact of the portfolio. Throughout the report, you will have a chance to learn about some of the new businesses that we are supporting and the achievements of those that we have been working with for a while.
We take the creation and publication of the impact report as an opportunity to reflect on our own place within the impact investing ecosystem. We hope that through sharing our data and updates openly, this will show that positive innovation, impact and prosperity can be achieved in harmony. We are excited to continue supporting more impact-led organisations in the years to come and together, build a sustainable future for all.
The Conduit Connect August 2020 Impact Report
Almost two years since the company was founded, the Conduit Connect published its first impact report.
The Conduit Connect believes that the Conduit community has the impetus and the power to support and scale solutions that can have transformative impact on pressing social and environmental issues. We help impact-driven founders to access the knowledge, networks and capital needed to scale their solutions.
Since launch, the Conduit Connect has reviewed 486 businesses and through its unique impact screening and diligence process, 61 have been selected to benefit from the resources available in the community and surrounding networks.
This report, and the achievements described, are aligned with the Conduit Connect’s core values and our mission to support the delivery of the UN Sustainable Development Goals.
We are impact-obsessed. In this report, we are publishing for the first time the impact framework that we designed in collaboration with Deloitte LLP. The Conduit Connect selects businesses that have positive impact embedded as a core part of their organisation. We are committed to integrity and accountability. We hold ourselves and our community of entrepreneurs to a high standard by applying a rigorous impact scoring framework and ongoing reporting. We embrace diversity and inclusivity. We believe talent is evenly distributed, but opportunity is not. Our role is to ensure that talented entrepreneurs have the same access to opportunity regardless of their circumstances. Read our report to learn more about the portfolio and how the Conduit Connect companies have been weathering the storm of Covid-19.