Conduit Connect featured in Top 10 Impact Investment Angel Groups.

Conduit Connect is a leading impact investing platform.

This week, Conduit Connect was delighted to see it’s feature in Impact Shaker's Top 10 Impact Investment Angel Groups. The selection was based on angel groups that invest in impact and diversity, and curated by Yonca Braeckman, founder of Impact Shakers.

Impact Shakers is an impact ecosystem that helps to build and scale stronger ventures tackling complex societal challenges through entrepreneurship. It believes entrepreneurship is the best vehicle for change and people are the best at solving problems they know through experience. To tackle more complex problems through entrepreneurship they want to support more diverse entrepreneurs and activate all of the underused problem-solving potential. 

This is a wonderful way to begin 2022, and the team is honoured to be featured in the list.


Angel Impact Investors

Are you an angel investor interested in diversifying your portfolio with impact investments? We have a growing membership of High Net Worth individuals who invest in our pre-vetted impact investment deals and funds.


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