
Meet the Founder of Redemption Roasters, Max Dubiel: “Reducing re-offending through specialty coffee”
Reducing reoffending through professional coffee industry training both inside and outside of prison

Meet the Co-Founders of Good Life Sorted, Constantine and Verity: “we have delivered over 200,000 hours of help to elderly across the south of England”
Good Life Sorted is tackling the shortage of carers by creating a new supply pool of local vetted ‘Helpers’ enabling customers to live happier and longer in their homes.

Stephanie Monty, Founder of Ostique: “We develop our products with ostomates, for ostomates”
Ostique is a medtech company creating innovative ostomy care products with superior performance while changing the narrative around stoma care.

Meet the Founder of BioFactory, Eoin Sharkey: “here we are with a product that farmers really want”
BioFactory is designing and manufacturing innovative waste to energy solutions, specialising in the utilisation of Anaerobic Digestion (AD) for micro-scale applications.