Conduit Connect launches Generation Impact Academy – an impact investing course for young investors.

Conduit Connect is delighted to launch its first impacting investing course, the Generation Impact Academy. The first cohort will begin in July 2022 and seats are filling up quickly.  

Responding to the demand from the Conduit Connect community, this year we have designed a specially curated four-day course for young investors looking to start or grow their impact investing journey. With capacity limited to 30 individuals, this course will cover the ins and outs of impact due diligence, building a theory of change, developing a deep understanding of SDG-aligned businesses and building a network of likeminded angel investors and peers.

The cohort will have the opportunity to visit the headquarters and production centres of some of the leading innovation hubs of the future, including Zero Carbon Farms, Oxwash and the London Interdisciplinary School campus. Students will also participate in workshops and panels with legal professionals, industry experts, experienced investors and thought leaders, as well as bespoke diligence training on prospective investments

Eva-Maria Dimitriadis, Managing Partner of Conduit Connect, shares her thoughts, “At the Conduit Connect we have had a surge in demand from young investors and next gens who are looking to take a more active role in building sustainable investment portfolios and supporting the companies of our future. We have a duty to help them understand the risks and opportunities and to provide access to the right tools and networks to make an impactful contribution to this space.” 

Gabriel Lacerda, Family Office Impact Investor said “Congratulations on the initiative! It is well understood that we need to think out of the box, but I like the approach of taking action outside the box, otherwise it feels like a cheeseburger without the cheese (a metaphor from my nephew on discussions about the 3rd generation role). I salute the Conduit Connect for their commitment to thinking and acting outside the box, making the world a better place.” 

Find out more about the Generation Impact Academy course agenda here.  


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