
Meet the Co-Founder of Béa Fertility, Tess Cosad “We’re reinventing the fertility pathway for the good of all families”
Béa Fertility is the first clinical grade, at-home ICI fertility treatment; putting control and intimacy into the hands of those starting families and making safe, effective fertility care accessible to those who need it most.

Meet the Co-Founders of Better Nature: “Our tempeh produces 94% less CO2e than the equivalent portion of beef”
Better Nature is the world's leading tempeh brand and food tech company creating an all-natural plant-protein like nothing else.

Alasdair Bremner and David Binns, Co-founders Alusid: “take low-value waste and transform it into high-value, sustainable surfaces “
An award-winning company using waste to make some of the highest percentage recycled architectural surfaces on the market. Creating desirable products on existing mass production equipment while using less energy.

Eve Kekeh, Founder of Bundlee: “Stop clothing waste and create a better future for our little ones to grow into“
The UK’s first rental subscription service for baby and childrenswear.

Koru Kids, a Conduit Connect portfolio company, launches the Paternity LEAGUE
Impact starts on the inside. We love Koru’s campaign advocating for more gender equality in parental leave.

Conduit Connect launches Generation Impact Academy – an impact investing course for young investors.
An impact investing course for young investors, beginning in July 2022.

Rónán Ó Dálaigh, Thriftify: “I think we’re going to reach a tipping point that will take our business into the stratosphere.”
Leading the circular economy revolution for charity shops.