Meet the Co-Founder of Béa Fertility, Tess Cosad “We’re reinventing the fertility pathway for the good of all families”

Meet Tess Cosad, Co-Founder of Bea Fertility

1. Describe your startup in two sentences?

Clinical-grade fertility treatment, shipped straight to your door, for 1/20th the cost of IVF. 

2. What gave you the inspiration?

The fertility care industry is so broken, with families desperately seeking care they cannot access or afford. I saw too many people I love go through painful family building journeys to not become desperate to solve this problem for them.  

3. How did you meet?

I was looking for help writing a job description for a software engineer. My friend introduced me to her ex-colleague George, knowing it could be so much more. She was right. Our first Zoom call lasted hours, and I immediately knew I wanted to build Béa with George.  

4. What has been your greatest success to date? And your greatest challenge?

Building Béa has been both my greatest success and my greatest challenge. Nothing prepares you for the highs and lows of founding a company.  

5. What kind of impact is your business having and how do you measure it?

Béa is providing families and women with clinical-grade fertility care at a fraction of the cost. Where today, families are faced with invasive clinical care that could total more than £10k, we’re building an effective experience that ships for less than £300. It’s a complete game changer in fertility, finally offering affordable care that is inclusive for all, including those using donor sperm. We’re reinventing the fertility pathway for the good of all families.  

6. How has Covid affected your business?

We were built in lockdown, so being a remote team is in our DNA. Covid has allowed us to hire from across the UK and beyond, think more globally and be more creative in how we manage being a remote team. It hasn’t slowed us down at all.   

7. When you were little what did you want to be when you grew up?

I wanted to either become a dairy farmer or run a company.  

8. If you weren’t doing this, what would be your plan B?

I’d be doing something else in women’s health or fertility – there is so much potential to improve the system and support more families on their journey.  

9. What would you save in a fire?

My Bullet Journal. Can’t live without it.  

10. Who is your role model/ greatest influence? And why?

I meet too many incredible women to narrow it down. Any woman building a company, fighting to fundraise, doing right by her team, and launching products that genuinely make a difference in the world is an inspiration to me.  

11. What is your happy track?

Send me on my way, by Rusted Root.  

12. What are your company values?

Always do the right thing, even more so if it’s the hard thing.  

13. What are you most looking forward to in 2023?

Launching our product and finally making some Béabies!  

If you’d like to learn more about Béa Fertility, log on to the platform here or email Susannah Preston,


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